October 17, 2004

Three days to go ...

Still three days to go ...

The packs are almost ready and my boyfriend Tam will come and see me at the airport ; I phoned him so that he knows the flight number and the exact arrival time. He will come back from his home in Phrae next Tuesday and will stay at a friend's place until Thursday. He warned me to bring winter clothes as the temperature is rather low now.

I phoned my usual hotel in Bangkok and was pleased that the clerk now remembers me. First time the price was 800 bahts and then 700 bahts and last time 600 bahts ... closer and closer to the price for thai which is 450 bahts !

Of course I am as excited about this stay as every time I go there ... this will be the 14th trip in nine years and I am due to stay 26 nights in L O S (Land of Smiles).

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